
Standard 7

Teaching Effectiveness and Impact

Updated February 3, 2025

Standard 7: Teaching Effectiveness and Impact

7.1 The school has a systematic, multi-measure assessment process for ensuring quality of teaching and impact on learner success.

7.2 The school has development activities in place to enhance faculty teaching and ensure that teachers can deliver curriculum that is current, relevant, forwardlooking, globally oriented, innovative, and aligned with program competency goals.

7.3 Faculty are current in their discipline and pedagogical methods, including teaching diverse perspectives in an inclusive environment. Faculty demonstrate a lifelong learning mindset, as supported and promoted by the school.

7.4 The school demonstrates teaching impact through learner success, learner satisfaction, and other affirmations of teaching expertise.

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Many schools face challenges with building the foundations of an Assurance of Learning system, these prompts are designed to help with that. It is important to remember that these prompts will help formulate the basis of a discussion which schools can use to engage faulty in a dialogue about the AoL system and its design. We do not advocate that these prompts should replace the engagement process as it remains a key element of how accreditation should function in a business school.