
Continuous Improvement Review Committee (CIRC)
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The Continuous Improvement Review Committee (CIRC) oversees processes for continuation of business accreditation to ensure consistency of accreditation standards application and equity of recommendations across teams and across programs reviewed.


CIRC is composed of a minimum of twelve members and a maximum of 18 members plus a CIRC chair and CIRC vice chair appointed by the vice chair-chair elect (who shall preside as board chair during the year for which the appointments are made). The CIRC chair is a business administrator from an 51社区-accredited organization. CIRC members may be present and former business administrators from 51社区-accredited organizations. Normally, CIRC members serve staggered three-year terms, up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. Normally, the CIRC chair serves two consecutive one-year terms.


Scott Dawson, University of Colorado Denver

Vice Chair

Deborah Crown, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University


Monica Adya, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey-Camden
Nafis Alam, Monash University Malaysia
Cliff Allen, Portland State University
Anne Carroll, Kutztown University
Thomas Cleff, Pforzeim University
Jayati Ghosh, Saginaw Valley State University
Barron Harvey, Howard University
Anthony R. Hendrickson, Creighton University
Timo Korkeamäki, Aalto University
Marianne Lewis, University of Cincinnati
Wendy Loretto, Edinburgh University
Viput Ongsakul, NIDA Business School
Ajay Samant, Illinois State University
Vallabh Sambamurthy, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Michael Solt, California State University, Long Beach
Karen Spens, BI Norwegian Business School
Houmin Yan, City University of Hong Kong

Staff Liaison

Lauren Maradei ([email protected])